
Cities information

  • Lima

      Currently, Lima, multicultural city and metropolis, offers tourists a variety of attractions and amenities that the traveller seeks. Its 500 years of life have left important vestiges of its rich history. Suffice it to say that Lima love tourists, always leaving them with the feeling that missed time on the trip. Beautiful beaches, varied cuisine, various shows: everything that the visitor longs and seeks. In Lima reigns the Criollo. Religious faith, whose maximum expression is expressed in the world famous procession of the gentleman of the miracles or purple Christ of Pachacamilla (October). Same tradition have bullfighting at the Plaza de Acho and the festivities of Santa Rosa de Lima (August). The city of Lima has numerous centers of attraction: Larco Museum, the Museum of gold; museums of Pachacamac and Puruchuco site; churches and colonial mansions such as San Francisco, La Merced and the Palace of Torre Tagle; ruins such as Pachacamac, Cajamarquilla, El Paraiso and Ragwort; scenic as the Canon del Infiernillo, the Canon of Chillon and the Canon of the Cañete River; Thermo-medicinal waters, such as those of Churin and numerous beaches within metropolitan Lima.

  • Ica

      For thousands of years, despite the aridity of the territory, the settlers set out in this part of the central coast developed three of the older pre-Incan cultures of South peruano:paraca, famous for its unique fabrics, tombs and cranial trepanation. Nazca, name that inevitably refers to the lines of the largest of the mundoChincha astronomical calendar, civilization's great navigators, silversmiths, craftsmen and farmers. In addition, Peruvian pisco, wine and cotton was born in Ica. Years later, its coasts also looked to land the military liberator of general San Martín. Today, the image of the Huacachina lagoon comes quickly to evoke the places of interest of the Department. However, it has other attractions outweigh the paradisiacal oasis surrounded by dunes, huarangos and palm trees. On the one hand, Paracas, Ballestas Islands and San Gallán, considered the largest species of marine flora and fauna national reserve. On the other hand, the life that is breathed in their villages, farms, wine cellars and valleys, along with their traditions and gastronomy, ensures an incomparable warmth in its inhabitants, who make this one of the most welcoming and festive of the country Department.

  • Arequipa

      Arequipa is a land blessed by its splendid geography and beautiful cities that offer the traveller all the facilities for a pleasant stay, whether in the amazing Colca Valley, with its platforms and its colonial churches frequented by men and women collaguas and cabanas; in their snowy, enclosing ancient mysteries as the of the "Mummy Juanita" and the birth of the Amazon River; in the Cotahuasi Canyon - the deepest in the world-, in the Valley of volcanos of Andagua, spas of Mollendo and Camana, in the Valley of the olive trees of Yauca or in the same "White City", a cluster of traditions, fiestas, flavours, landscapes and artistic expressions and regional development make this Department the best synonym of progress among the peoples of the Peru.

  • Puno

      Legend has it that the founders of the Empire Inca, Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, left the sacred waters of Lake Titicaca or breast Qota and trained men in the use of new agricultural techniques and to women in new textile applications. But thousands of years before, the children of the highest navigable lake in the world came by applying a range of knowledge, pouring in their artistic and technological expressions as signs of a civilization that based its economy on the benefits provided by this Andean sea. Added to this are the lessons derived from the observation of astronomical phenomena, which instructed them about the life cycles of the nature. Currently, Puno is an important agricultural and livestock region that preserves the legacy of their ancestors, which is manifested above all in the art field, in its unique pre-Columbian and Christian temples, as well as the variety, color and beauty of their parties, the ultimate reason why this Highlands city stands as the "folk Capital of the Peru and America". In the forests of Puno and Madre de Dios is also one of the intangible reserves of humanity, possessor of the greatest biodiversity on the planet: the Candamo, another reason to learn about its attractions.

  • Cusco

      By its countless historical, archaeological, folkloric, artistic and natural attractions, the Department of Cusco is, without a doubt, the most visited tourist destination in the Peru and one of the most important in the world. Cusco or Qosqo, as they prefer to call it with its inhabitants, is known as the "archaeological Capital of America", and was considered by UNESCO as heritage of mankind. The sacred city of Cuzco was the capital of the most advanced civilization South America na: the Empire of the incas or Tahuantinsuyo (Tawantinsuyo) and, subsequently, the main centre of encounter and confrontation between the Andean and Spanish cultures. This last feature has helped the region maintain their ancestral traditions alive and strong and direct them with pride to the encounter of modernity. Many times talk about the Peru is talk of Cuzco and the imposing Citadel of Machu Picchu, declared cultural patrimony of the humanity by the UNESCO. However, the Department of Cusco is much more than that. The most famous Trek in South America is the Inca Trail. One of the parties of Indian nationalities in the world, the Qoyllur Rit'i, takes place at the foot of the nevado Ausangate sacred; also, its happy and hospitable inhabitants are characterized by show with satisfaction the infinite richness of its attractive city dwellers and rural, the beauty of colorful traditional festivals and, above all, magical spirit that guides the imaginary rich people as one of the constituent elements of Andean identity.

  • Puerto Maldonado

      Exuberance, diversity and natural wealth. This Department is the realm of the natural life, as if the hand of the mother of God had blessed these lands in a special way. The brightness of the green forests so that opaque gold of its rivers. Apparently, the Virgin who fell in the Amarumayo, such as the legend, not only bequeathed his name to this region, but also its purity, since there are no jungles of this Department. For your protection, the Manu reserve, the Tambopata-Candamo reserved zone, the Heath Pampas sanctuary and the Bahuaja-Sonene National Park were created. Mother of God is necessarily refer to nature, with species of flora and fauna and ecosystems unique in Peru, in addition to natural phenomena such as strong storms and floods and descents of rivers. This land was inhabited by the makers of the amazing petroglyphs of Pusharo and here arose the mythical city lost the Paititi, tirelessly sought by adventurers in search of Fame and fortune. The senses must be alert. Colors, movements, smells, sensations, tastes and mostly visions and sounds never before perceived await every visitor.

  • Loreto

      Iquitos, located in the northern area of the Amazon region, is capital of the Department of Loreto. It is a land of dense vegetation and lush rainforests, surrounded by the majestic River Amazon, the largest river in the world. A surprising diversity of flora and fauna refuge, is home to important national reserve of Pacaya-Samiria reserve, the largest in the country and the fourth in South America. Prosperous city who in 1880 underwent the takeoff of its economy due to the exploitation of rubber, time they built beautiful buildings of European influence as a sign of this boom, offices where the old Hotel and the iron House, designed and built by the French company Paris.recorrer Eiffel the beautiful landscape of rustic houses in neighborhoods like Bethlehem and the native villages that exist on the fringes of the Amazon It is an unforgettable experience as you can share the customs of these communities who have little contact with the modernity of the metropolis. You can visit the beautiful beaches that are formed on the banks of rivers and lakes, as Tunchi Playa, in the lagoon of Quistococha, Santa Clara and Santo Tomás in the Nanay River. Iquitos is also a land of endless parties and carnivals, the most important of the Peruvian Orient is the popular Fiesta de San Juan (held in June), in honor to San Juan Bautista, who symbolizes the water, the lifeblood of the Amazon region. Time of excitement and celebration, colorful festivals with bands and typical dances of the jungle, delicious dishes from the region we can enjoy, such as Tacacho (roasted banana sauce) and the famous Juanes (rice tamales) and witness the mythical sensuality of the jungle, expressed in their moved and provocative dance entertained by exquisite aphrodisiacs, prepared special fruit , herbs and brandy which carry curious and suggestive names as the known "Chuchuhuasi" and "R.C.". This is Iquitos, exotic and magical jungle; Earth cheerful and sensual.

  • Chiclayo

      Rich in testimonies historical and archaeological sites, such as those of the mythical figure of Naylamp and the powerful lords of Sipan and Sican, Lambayeque was cradle of great pre-Inca civilizations that have been bequeathed to the Peru invaluable testimonies of periods of economic boom and social organization. Today, about the level geography of this territory, scientific studies dedust the stories and traditions that keep the temples of Tucume adobe, Batán Grande, Huaca Rajada (Sipan) and two heads, as a sobering vision of the past that Peruvians should ever forget. The city of Chiclayo, its capital, is the commercial hub and the center of departure for routes that communicate with the peoples of the interior: Monsefú and Eten, villages of artisans of straw; Motupe, place of veneration of the cross of Chalpón; Pimentel and Las Rocas, beautiful resorts in the Pacific; Santa Rosa, Fisherman's Cove in which prepares tasty Ceviche, beach bars and tortillas of raya. These are just some of the many attractions offered by this Department

  • Trujillo

      The Department of La Libertad is located in the North of the country, stretching from the coast to the ceja de selva. North it bounds with Cajamarca, Huanuco and Ancash, South to the East with San Martin and by the West with the ocean Pacifico.tiene an extension of 24,241 km2. Birthplace of the great pre-Hispanic cultures Cupisnique, Salinar, Moche and Chimu, the human presence in La Libertad goes back to 12 thousand years ago, age has been recorded in the impressive archaeological remains it houses, as the Citadel of Chan-Chan and the El Brujo huacas mud, Sun and Huaca of the Luna.Hoy, its capital, Trujillo, known as "The city of eternal spring" or "Seafood Capital" It is one of the main tourist destinations and urban centers in the country. This wonderful land brings great benefits to the visitor: a permanent Sun invites you to refresh on its beaches, while fishermen are made to the sea with your horses of totora; handkerchiefs above, the local flavor of the seafood draws fine flirting of their young; the fine print of their barges further highlights the fine lineage of courageous Peruvian paso horses; the hardened fights of roosters reveal the character of its inhabitants; the exquisite cuisine reflects a developed culinary art; the peculiar traditional architecture of their urban centres designates a refined art de vivre.